Farm Products

We supply high-quality aggregate products to improve agricultural productivity, adjust permeability, improve sanitary conditions and control erosion and run-off. All products are safe for animals and humans and they are manufactured to meet requirements for the national organic program (7 CFR Part 205, section 205.203(d)(2)).

Products for Livestock Lots, Barnyards and Horse Arenas

We have a complete line of agricultural limestone products designed for livestock areas to keep your animals healthy and safeguard the environment. Agricultural limestone products control the acidic manure waste run-off and control sediment erosion from barnyards and ground level storage silos. The limestone also helps prevent concrete degradation, metal corrosion, hydrogen sulfide formation, nitrification, undesirable biological growths, and health and safety problems.

Product Details

    • Washed limestone sand for cattle bedding

When spread, limestone sand helps neutralize acids at a lower cost than commercial field aglime. After being used as cattle bedding, this material can then be recycled by spreading it in the fields.

    • Erosion control berms

Compacted and seeded limestone screenings create an erosion-resistant and visually pleasing berm that diverts clean water.

    • Fine, graded, washed limestone for filter beds

As acids are neutralized, the limestone will dissolve and additional limestone can be added as needed.

    • Gabian riprap

Riprap and choke stone control soil erosion on slopes and deter livestock from walking in areas of high erosion, including streambeds.

    • Limestone for equine applications

There are several types of sand and limestone products to fit your equine needs for arenas, bedding, holding and working areas. The fines control bacteria, maintain sanitation and improve traction on concrete floors.


Trucking & Delivery Services

We can meet your trucking needs from landscape aggregate for your home to crushed aggregate for your roadway project. We deliver and can also arrange for agricultural lime spreading.

Call today so we can provide a quote and make the necessary arrangements.

Agricultural Lime


Agricultural lime (also called aglime) is the very fine material produced from the processing of natural limestone, and is known for its effectiveness in naturally increasing soil pH. This allows moisture to permeate through the soil structure, helping to optimize your yield.

Benefits of Aglime enhanced soil:

  • Increases yield.
  • Reduces soil acidity.
  • Creates favorable environment for microorganisms to efficiently break down organic residue.
  • Increases nitrogen fixation by bacteria.
  • Improves the availability of certain essential plant nutrients.
  • Reduces manganese and aluminum toxicity.
  • Improves the performance of triazine herbicides.
  • Adds calcium and magnesium, two essential plant nutrients.

More Resources

For more information on Aglime view the following University of Wisconsin-Extension resources: